Worthing-based Rayner today announced the launch of its new patient education toolkit:YourVision.YourWorld.
Comprising an extensive suite of digital and print materials, the toolkit has been created to help patients navigate cataract surgery and the increasing number of intraocular lens (IOL) options available to them.
Patients with visual and cognitive impairments will benefit from the comprehensive accessibility functionality ofwww.yourvisionyourworld.com– including content size, saturation and contrast adjustment, as well as seizure safe and ADHD friendly profiles.
In addition to the fully responsive patient website, surgeons can also access a suite of printed educational materials.
YourVision.YourWorldin-clinic resources include:
Leaflets for Rayner’s presbyopia-correcting IOLs
Patient presentations
Patient lifestyle questionnaire
Banner stands
The in-clinic resources will further support and educate patients during clinic consultations, with every aspect of the toolkit designed with the patient in mind, including appropriate imagery and easy-to-understand terminology.
Tim Brown, Marketing Director (Surgical) said: “Global demand for premium IOL solutions is increasing, with patients using cataract surgery as an opportunity to increase their independence from glasses. We must provide surgeons with the tools needed to support this trend, helping to ensure that patients make informed and educated decisions about their vision in collaboration with their surgeon. YourVision.YourWorld covers all IOL types but has been primarily designed for surgeons who offer their patients Rayner’s premium IOLs, including RayOne EMV, RayOne Trifocal and Sulcoflex Trifocal. We are confident this 360-degree toolkit will help busy surgeons to best manage their chair time.”
Today’s announcement marks the launch of the International English and USA patient toolkits. German, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish toolkits will be launched in the coming months.
Visit the patient education website atwww.yourvisionyourworld.com
For access to the in-clinic resource portal (presentations, leaflets, posters etc.), surgeons should speak to their local Rayner representative.